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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wandering in the Wonders of Surigao: Enchanted River

For about 4 hours or less of rest in the hotel that we stayed in, my boyfriend and I woke up at around 1:00 am to prepare for our next trip in Surigao del Sur where the Enchanted River is located. Along in our trip,was my mom and a friend of mine, Melissa. Actually, none of us know the way to get there except for Mel, who had been there for almost 2 years ago.

The supposed plan of our egress from Davao to Surigao was at 2:00 since we won't be staying there for the night we have to go there early as possible so at least the 5-7 hours road drive will be worth it. So we fetch Mel, then headed to our home to get my mom. But unfortunately we left at 4:00. Still no worries since I have the coolest driver who had never driven the Philippine terrain ever since..

So, what we used was the best help that technology has to offer, the Google Map.
Estimating 5 hours of road trip from Davao. So here are the towns/Cities that you'll have to pass through to get to Surigao:
Tagum City

We followed the top directions without knowing that the road was under construction. So it sort of delayed our peripatetic semi prepared trip also it made the car dirty. The weather kept on changing, it rained and it suddenly stopped. But it was fun, the way, our GPS, excitement and whatsoever since we had a hard time finding the Enchanted River!!! I felt like a nomad for more than a week.

It was past nine o'clock when we got to our destination. To be honest, we almost got lost, good thing we bought enough gasoline for the long trip. The GPS made it more complicated for us. Hahaha. In case this happens to you, you can just ask people roaming around. Just like what we did, we asked a total of five people until we reached the place..

The place has some "carenderias" or eatery along the road that was close to the said river that offers food for those people who didn't bring any "baon". So we ordered food in there and they are going to
deliver it in our table and the delivery is free.

When we headed to the place of which the river was located to pay for our entrance fee and a table (since there were only 4 of us we don't need a cottage) we didn't know that the parking area was a little bit far from the said location therefore we have to go back then walk under the sun to get back there.
But it was fine, since I really don't care if I'd get sun burns. Just that, the heat of the sun was really different from my normal encounters. LOL.

When we got to the place, we immediately wander around the area, then we washed our faces in the shallow part of the river. The first thing that we thought when the water touches our faces was how
dirty our faces was as it was pretty salty. We really looked at each other and joked around about how the road all the way to Surigao made our faces dirty. Little did we know that it was the river's water that was salty since it connects to the sea. ^_^

Then we decided to do a little island hopping. We headed to the floating restaurant where in they cook fresh sea foods, but we didn't had our lunch there since we already ordered for our food. So after passing by the floating restaurant we headed to a cave.

We were supposed to go to the Britania island where in we'll have our chance to swim but then it was a little bit far.Too bad we haven't had the chance to go there since we only have a short time for this trip. Maybe next time. Hahaha. So if you planned to go to Surigao, please, please, make sure to know all the hot spots before planning to visit here because a day wouldn't be enough to truly enjoy.

We then headed back to Davao after a quick swim in the river, and got back at 6pm when we left by 1pm. We changed our route which was a little better than the other route we passed through in the morning. It was really tiring, more for my boyfriend's part. Since he has been driving since our trip in Kapatagan. But the important thing is that we both enjoyed his vacation here. Before him and I gets back to our work. Haha

Thank you for reading!!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Zipline @Camp Sabros Mountain Resort

Another first time. ^_^ So I was riding this female horse
 because they said that females
are easier to managed. She
was pretty docile.
So the journey continues and this was the last activity that I have stated in our list. The way to Camp Sabros Mountain resort was 700 meters or was it 750, from the main road (Sorry I'm a bit forgetful now). I was supposed to do a horseback riding in the area which was close to where the Virgin Falls was located but unfortunately it was closed during weekdays. That was actually in a stable, where in you can ride the horse around the said area.

But our guide told me that I can still do horseback riding on our way to Camp Sabros which I bravely did! ^_^

So here's like half of the way, the climate was pretty different, There are fogs everywhere that covers the view below.
So the owner of the horse was assisting me. I know I was a little
inconsiderate for making him walk but I'm scared of the horse.
But during that time there was only one horse available.
This is where they're going to hang you and push you ^_^

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It was cold, in spite of having a little bit of sunlight

One of the cabins for those who wanted to stay overnight.

Another cabin suitable for 6-8 persons.
Prices ranges from 2k-8k depending on
the numbers of the guests.

Mountain view

We took the longest zip line as what this dude demanded. It was the 44 seconds one, measuring 820 meters. Damn, even before paying for the ticket I feel like fainting already. I was even telling him " can we get the 320 meters?" Hahaha.
So I was dared. Good thing I am not a coffee drinker.

So in the picture, you can see that the staff were setting up the gears and the suits and everything.

I really can't describe how I felt that time. But I wasn't that so scared since I'm gonna do it with him but our way back is more challenging for my part as we have to go back one by one.

I was covering my mouth and asking myself
"am I gonna do this?" hahaha
 So this was the point of no return, I can no longer back out nor get a refund for my ticket because I fear heights and I might puke while I'm efinly flying from this side to the next mountain.
Our guide took this picture and we actually had a video. The fun part was that I closed my eyes. Hahaha. Then I opened one, then he held my hand so it made me open the other eye of mine. LOL. I was in the air, and I was just stoned. I wasn't moving nor doing a superman position because I'm scared that I might fall!!!

It was fun, that I even forgot, was I screaming??

Over all, our visit in Kapatagan was a combination of a wild, relaxing and thrilling adventure which I won't dare to do alone.

You gotta try and see for yourself. If you're into nature tripping, this place is perfect for you..

Before heading back to our room to rest in Lake Mirror, we dropped by at Highland resort again for our late Lunch, almost luncher though.(+Dinner) and ordered something for a take out. But anyway, Lake Mirror doesn't have it's own restaurant since they said that guests that usually go there bring their own food. It was raining when we got back. And we were so tired.

We left early by the next day since we needed to have enough rest in the city because we're set to go to Surigao the next day.

His first marang!!

 On our way out of the mountain, we passed by this fruit stand along the high way that sells Marang, it's a fruit that has an extraordinary taste. Hahaha for me it is.
So I've had this one for only 25 pesos. The seeds of this can be eaten after roasting it or just boiling it with salt. It taste like peanuts.

So we stopped by for a sight seeing in the nearby sea in Digos. Then headed back to Davao City to
prepare for our things for our next trip.
The Enchanted River.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hiking Challenge Accepted: Exploring the Mountain 1st day Adventure

                                                                                           Checking out from Mt. Apo Highland Resort

Lake view from our room.
If in the Highland Resort cottages has hammock and benches under
this one has a bed under. ;)
my boyfriend and I decided to check in to the Lake Mirror resort instead of spending another night  in the same resort.

Before heading to Lake Mirror, the guy from the resort provided us a guide that would take us to whichever places we wanna go.
In the map that I have posted prior to this blog there was  Three Falls delineated. My boyfriend and I wanted to go to the falls since I personally haven't gone so close to one,only from a far. So we chose the Virgin falls to go to.

The lake, where u can do boating

We parked our car in the the campsite and immediately left for our little adventure.
So here are the list of our activities for that day:
Hiking to the Virgin Falls
Going to the Hotspring
Zipline at Camp Sabros

         We opted to ride on the motorbike of our guide headed to the Waterfalls. 

       Heading there, we've witnessed how remote the place was with people who uses horses for transportation and the primary source for the living is by farming. However, knowing that  these people gets little pay from the works that they do from their day-to-day living, I have come to realize that they actually have contributed more in general for the maintenance of the environment compared to some urban areas that provides enough pay or even more to those people who inhabit the area which mostly has not contributed or may not be enough for a contribution for the land's rehabilitation.
 Despite the inequitable way of living, the smile on their faces are very bonafide.
This is how the way down to the falls looks like

Hiking under the  vehemence of the sun, capturing pictures of the surroundings had completely omitted from my mind. We hiked for almost an hour or more together with our guide (which we forgot the name again) I never anticipate that it would be that far and it was pretty challenging for my part as I was wearing slippers. The cool part about our hiking is that the path is steep.And every time I'd feel pain with my legs, I'd tend to ask to our Kuya guide, "Are we almost there?" or "Are we there yet?" hahaha

 You would need a long stick while your doing this which never passes our mind when we had our chance. Also you should bring water because it's not just the kind of walk like roaming around the mall from the ground floor until the top for 10 times. Hahaha.. I never thought I could do this in my entire life!!

     So here it is, the Virgin falls, the water was icy cold, but my boyfriend forced me to soak myself in the water. I was really shaking. But it was sunny, so I soaked myself to the area where sun strikes its ray. Over all, the long walk was worth it. What we had when we got there was a tetra pack of fruit juice and our strawberries. And my better half just enjoyed his morning swim. While I was just observing the water. But nothing to worry, there are no snakes.

VOILA! The Virgin Falls!
     We didn't stay for long in the falls since we still have two more activities to do and we want everything to be accomplished. Hiking back, it was the hardest for my part. So I asked my boyfriend to piggy back carry me. Since I can't take it anymore. But that was from I think 3/4 of the way when my legs decided to give up.

A fifteen to twenty minute drive from the falls to the next destination which was the hot spring, my boyfriend and I have seen people harvesting their crops. The weather wasn't so sunny anymore but that doesn't meant it won't make you dark.

There was an entrance fee for this resort also for cottage rent which isn't that much, it's for the maintenance and improvement of the area. 

There's this hose that came from the top that directs to each basin which makes it warm. I think it's connected to where the spring is.
There are lots of hot springs by the way. You just have to set a proper schedule for your plan trip because each tourist spots aren't just close with each other.  Same as with the falls.

The cottages are just the usual bamboo huts that are very common here in the Philippines. But every hut has different techniques to be created. 

So after this, we headed to Camp Sabros because he really wanted to try the zipline. Well I was actually having second thoughts about it but I'll just try to face my fear.

Contact Number Highland Resort/Lake Mirror: 275-7955
Room Rate: 1800php 

Additional Note: Make an advance reservation during the peak season which is summer here in the Philippines. From March- May.
We visited the said place January of this 2015.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Boast of Mt. Apo's Treasure : Mt Apo Highland Resort

Mount Apo, the highest peak in the Philippines, an active stratovolcano with an elevation 9,698ft above sea level.Located betweenDavao del Sur province and Cotabato province in Region XII.

After soaking ourselves in the sea, we immediately headed to Mt. Apo through Kapatagan,Digos trail.Weeks before heading here, I have booked for two nights in Mt. Apo Highland Resort. Room rate is 1800 php.

It was our first time to visit the place, it was actually my idea since I wanted Benni to have some adventure and not just to get stuck in the city.
It's just more fun to be in a place where you're at eased with how the nature comforts you. Right?

Selfie, heavy traffic in downtown area.
We arrived approximately 9 o'clock in the evening again almost famished from Samal, driving all the way to Digos, and the funny part was we almost got lost, we headed straight to Bansalan, good thing I'm good with asking for directions, since we don't have a map and we don't have GPS!. So we were told that it's after Dasureco from the way out of Digos, but if you're from Davao proper, it's before Dasureco, there's a gasoline station along the highway of the road going to the resort. The hard part was, it's 27 kilometers from the highway. Huhuhu..Prolonging the agony of my starving tummy.

Stepping my feet out of the car, damn, it was freaking cold! Colder than what I thought! And I forgot to bring jacket. How smart.. It was so damn cold that I can't even speak properly. -_- And the dude that I was with, well, it was just nothing for him. Since he's used with this temperature.

Unfortunately, the restaurant of the said resort was already closed during those hours. But when the guard asked me if we already had our meal and then I said no, he immediately called for the cook. Yeahey! So we had our late dinner!!
Tired and full, I immediately hurried back in our room and just cant help but to smoke since it was freaking cold. Good thing they have ash tray! ^_^ But on the other hand that cuts my happiness was an upset boyfriend who keeps on blabbing with my smoking habits. Oh well. ^_^

This is the pathway, heading straight is where the
Civet coffee farm is located. We haven't tried the coffee because first: I am not a coffee drinker, 2nd: He has his reasons.
 As you noticed there are lots of pine trees. So while walking in the morning checking out how the area looks like you'd smell the pine tree scent. It was very pleasant for my lungs. HAHAHA

This  is the way to the resto. The road is going down obviously, good thing I brought my shoes.
Not suitable for the place though but at least it protects my feet.

As you can see, they have a hammock with benches and table
 The cottages are really unique looking, it has a glass sliding window that faces the mountain for you to be able to witness the sunrise. But unfortunately I haven't witnessed how the sun popped out since I was busy sleeping. But it was enough for me to see that the weather is cooperating with our trip.

The Philippine Eagle. Isn't it cute?
They are in the brink of extinction though. The last time I've seen an eagle was when I was still a kiddo in Eagle farm located in Davao. I believe this little fellow is still young because it still looks cute. Hahaha Well honestly speaking a fully grown eagle looks scary as the Kalaw in Hof Gorei. (If you have read my previous blog) Or maybe this is a different breed of an Eagle?? A hawk maybe?  Haha I am not sure me not an expert ^_^. It seems very docile

This is the restaurant, the food prices are affordable, they have lots of cats roaming around making weird noises during the time that we were there. (I'm a cat person by the way) 

My PETA member boyfie checking out the crocodile skin

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A bag full of strawberries my love
 They actually have strawberry farm, they sell strawberries
 for 600/kg. We bought half a kilo, not bad to start the day with fresh fruit.

Look how unique they grow their strawberries. Also I forgot to take a picture, they have beehives and I'm sure they sell honey.
The whole resort was surrounded by different flowering plants and different trees and vegetables.

Enjoying the heat of the sun! Excited to start our tripping!
Next stop, checking out of the resort and checking in to the other resort which is the Lake Mirror Resort.
